Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Indian Legal Abbreviations

ACC = Accident and Compensation Cases
ACC(SC) = Accident and Compensation Cases (SC)
ACJ = Accidents Claims Journal
AIHC = All India High Court Cases
FAJ = All India Prevention of Food Adulteration Journal
AIR = All India Reporter
ARC = Allahabad Rent Cases
AWC = Allahabad Weekly Cases
ALT = Andhra Law Times
ALD = Andhra Legal Decisions
APLJ = Andhra Pradesh Law Journal
AnWR = Andhra Weekly Reporter
AD = Apex Decision
ARBLR = Arbitration Law Reporter
BC = Banking Cases
BLJR = Bihar Law Journal Reports
BomCR = Bombay Cases Reporter
BOMLR = Bombay Law Reporter
BusLR = Business Law Reports
CHN = Calcutta High Court Notes
CALLT = Calcutta Law Times
CWN = Calcutta Weekly Notes
CivilCC = Civil Court Cases
CompCas = Company Cases
CompLJ = Company Law Journal
CompAT = Competition Law Reports
CPJ = Consumer Protection Judgments
CTLJ = Contracts and Tenders Law Journal
CLA = Corporate Law Adviser
CLA-BL-Sup = Corporate Law Advisor – Business Law Supplement
CriLJ = Criminal Law Journal
CCR =  Current Criminal Reports
CTC = Current Tamil Nadu Cases
CTR = Current Tax Reporter
CLT  = Cuttack Law Times
CWN = Calcutta Weekly Notes
DLT = Delhi Law Times
DRJ = Delhi Reported Journal
DMC = Divorce and Matrimonial Cases
ESC = Education and Service Cases
ELR = Energy Law Reports
ECC = Excise & Customs Cases
ECR = Excise and Custom Reprots
ELT = Excise Law Times
FLR = Factory Law Reporter
GLD = Gauhati Law Decisions
GauLR = Gauhati Law Reports
GLT = Gauhati Law Times
GLH = Gujarat Law Herald
GLR = Gujarat Law Reporter
ITR = Income Tax Reporter
ITD = Income-tax Tribunal Decisions
Ind.Cas = Indian Cases
ILR = Indian Law Reports
ITDSB = ITD Special Bench
JCR = Jharkhand Cases Reporter
JKJ = JK Judgments
JCC = Journal Of Criminal Cases
JT = Judgment Today
JT (Suppl) = Judgment Today Supplement
KCCR = Karnataka Civil and Criminal Reporter
KarLJ = Karnataka Law Journal
KLJ = Kerala Law Journal 
KLT = Kerala Law Times
LabIC = Labour and Industrial cases
LLJ = Labour Law Journal
LS = Law Summary
MPLJ = M.P. Law Journal
MLJ = Madras Law Journal
MhLJ = Maharashtra Law Journal
MPHT = MP High Court Today
MysLJ = Mysore Law Journal
N.H.R.C = National Human Rights commission
OLR = Orissa Law Reviews
PTC = Patent & Trade Marks Cases
PLR = Punjab Law Reporter
RLR = Rajasthan Law Reporter
RLW = Rajasthan Law Weekly
RAJ = Rajdhani Law Reporter
RArJ = Recent Arbitration Judgments
RAJ(SC) = Recent Arbitration Judgments (SC)
RLT = Revenue Law Times S
TC = Sales Tax Cases
SCR no vol = SCR Supp without Volume
SCL = Sebi and Corporate laws
SCT = Service Cases Today
STJ = Service Tax Journal
STR = Service Tax Review
SLJ = Services Law Journal
SLR = Services Law Reporter
ShimLC = Shimla Law Cases
SCALE = Supreme Court Almanac
SCC = Supreme Court Cases
SCR = Supreme Court Reporter
TTJ = Tax Tribunal Judgments
TAXLR = Taxation Law Reporter
STT = Taxman's Service Tax Today
Ind.Ap =  The Law Report - Indian Appeals
Ind.Ap.S.V = The Law Report - Indian Appeals(Supp. Vol.)
UJ = The Unreported Judgments
UPLBEC = U.P. Local Bodies & Educational Cases
VST = VAT and Service Tax Cases
VR = VAT Reporter
WLN = Weekly Law Notes
WLNRev = Weekly Law Notes Revenue
WLC = Western Law Cases

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