Saturday, December 8, 2012

Telugu & Hindi Key Board Layout

Telugu Unicode Key Board
Hindi Unicode Key Board

(CLICK HERE get layout) 

              Every Telugu Person can download 18 Telugu Unicode Fonts for free from Telugu Vijayam Website  (CLICK here to download the fonts) & add the flavour of Telugu into Computerized generation with those 18 variant New Fonts giving New Look to our Telugu language. I downlaoded these 18 Fonts and worked with them & felt happy because I can type anywhere (except page maker & photoshop)  by choosing different varieties of fonts with these fonts. Previously there was only one (Gauthami) Unicode Fonts but now we have the best choice with these fonts.
          But, Telugu Unicode fonts must be developed more yet & there is a need to add many symbols those are very necessary for the language.

నా తెలుగు మిత్రులందరూ తెలుగు టైపింగు బాగా నేర్చుకోవాలని కోరుకుంటున్నాను.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

To set the default paper size from Letter to A4 or Legal or other

To set or change the default paper size Letter to A4 or Legal or other size
(to printers).

For MS-Windows Users: 
  1. Click on Start => Printers and Faxes
  2. Locate your printer's name and right click on it and click "Printing Preferences"
  3. Under the "Main" (General tab in some other printer models) Tab, and under "Paper Options" group, select the settings for "Paper Type" Paper Size". For paper size, choose A4 as you desire.
  4. Click "Apply" and the click OK.
Your values here will be the default values loaded when you click the print command in any programs in your computer.

To set or change the default paper size Letter to A4 or Legal or other size
(to MS-Office-2003 Word Documents).

Path to trace Microsoft templates: (but the path is different to system to system):
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\Microsoft\Templates

Save a word document with Naming "" (without Quotes), with your desired word document page set up (paper/margin). 

Then, all word documents open with your required page settings.
Note: It does not apply to MS-Office 2007 & 2010

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Indian / Hindu Marriage Invitation Card Matter in English

The following Designs/ matter/ quotes / wordings  are provided for the purpose of getting information, in English, about the printing and making your own designing of  Invitation Cards of Indian Marriages / Hindu Marriages.
The  Designs are given for the purpose of words/ wording / quotes in English for the Invitations Cards of Indian Marriages / Hindu Marriages.

Thank you for your visit of my blog
 for Invitation Sample Quotes.


Friday, November 2, 2012

Enable/Disable USB of PC in XP

Start > Control Panel >Printer or other Hardware> System> Hardware > Device Manager

Now find Universal Serial Bus Controllers, Right Click > Enable / Disable

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Indian Legal Abbreviations

ACC = Accident and Compensation Cases
ACC(SC) = Accident and Compensation Cases (SC)
ACJ = Accidents Claims Journal
AIHC = All India High Court Cases
FAJ = All India Prevention of Food Adulteration Journal
AIR = All India Reporter
ARC = Allahabad Rent Cases
AWC = Allahabad Weekly Cases
ALT = Andhra Law Times
ALD = Andhra Legal Decisions
APLJ = Andhra Pradesh Law Journal
AnWR = Andhra Weekly Reporter
AD = Apex Decision
ARBLR = Arbitration Law Reporter
BC = Banking Cases
BLJR = Bihar Law Journal Reports
BomCR = Bombay Cases Reporter
BOMLR = Bombay Law Reporter
BusLR = Business Law Reports
CHN = Calcutta High Court Notes
CALLT = Calcutta Law Times
CWN = Calcutta Weekly Notes
CivilCC = Civil Court Cases
CompCas = Company Cases
CompLJ = Company Law Journal
CompAT = Competition Law Reports
CPJ = Consumer Protection Judgments
CTLJ = Contracts and Tenders Law Journal
CLA = Corporate Law Adviser
CLA-BL-Sup = Corporate Law Advisor – Business Law Supplement
CriLJ = Criminal Law Journal
CCR =  Current Criminal Reports
CTC = Current Tamil Nadu Cases
CTR = Current Tax Reporter
CLT  = Cuttack Law Times
CWN = Calcutta Weekly Notes
DLT = Delhi Law Times
DRJ = Delhi Reported Journal
DMC = Divorce and Matrimonial Cases
ESC = Education and Service Cases
ELR = Energy Law Reports
ECC = Excise & Customs Cases
ECR = Excise and Custom Reprots
ELT = Excise Law Times
FLR = Factory Law Reporter
GLD = Gauhati Law Decisions
GauLR = Gauhati Law Reports
GLT = Gauhati Law Times
GLH = Gujarat Law Herald
GLR = Gujarat Law Reporter
ITR = Income Tax Reporter
ITD = Income-tax Tribunal Decisions
Ind.Cas = Indian Cases
ILR = Indian Law Reports
ITDSB = ITD Special Bench
JCR = Jharkhand Cases Reporter
JKJ = JK Judgments
JCC = Journal Of Criminal Cases
JT = Judgment Today
JT (Suppl) = Judgment Today Supplement
KCCR = Karnataka Civil and Criminal Reporter
KarLJ = Karnataka Law Journal
KLJ = Kerala Law Journal 
KLT = Kerala Law Times
LabIC = Labour and Industrial cases
LLJ = Labour Law Journal
LS = Law Summary
MPLJ = M.P. Law Journal
MLJ = Madras Law Journal
MhLJ = Maharashtra Law Journal
MPHT = MP High Court Today
MysLJ = Mysore Law Journal
N.H.R.C = National Human Rights commission
OLR = Orissa Law Reviews
PTC = Patent & Trade Marks Cases
PLR = Punjab Law Reporter
RLR = Rajasthan Law Reporter
RLW = Rajasthan Law Weekly
RAJ = Rajdhani Law Reporter
RArJ = Recent Arbitration Judgments
RAJ(SC) = Recent Arbitration Judgments (SC)
RLT = Revenue Law Times S
TC = Sales Tax Cases
SCR no vol = SCR Supp without Volume
SCL = Sebi and Corporate laws
SCT = Service Cases Today
STJ = Service Tax Journal
STR = Service Tax Review
SLJ = Services Law Journal
SLR = Services Law Reporter
ShimLC = Shimla Law Cases
SCALE = Supreme Court Almanac
SCC = Supreme Court Cases
SCR = Supreme Court Reporter
TTJ = Tax Tribunal Judgments
TAXLR = Taxation Law Reporter
STT = Taxman's Service Tax Today
Ind.Ap =  The Law Report - Indian Appeals
Ind.Ap.S.V = The Law Report - Indian Appeals(Supp. Vol.)
UJ = The Unreported Judgments
UPLBEC = U.P. Local Bodies & Educational Cases
VST = VAT and Service Tax Cases
VR = VAT Reporter
WLN = Weekly Law Notes
WLNRev = Weekly Law Notes Revenue
WLC = Western Law Cases

Notice to the Visitor 
The information, in this blog, is made for the PERSONAL USAGE of this blog author, and not for commercial exploitation/usage. The blogger or the blog author will not be responsible/liable for any mistakes those are inadvertently crept in it.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Lawcet 2012 Admission Notificaion (LLB/LLM)


For full / detailed information Visit Official WEBSITE: